In March 2011, Japan was hit with the biggest earthquake in its history, triggering tsunamis and nuclear disaster throughout the country. North-Eastern areas were the worst hit, with the main quake's epicentre lying close to the coast of the Tohoku region. Aftershocks continued constantly and are still being felt today, as the country looks to rebuild.

The death toll and missing persons combined has passed 22,000.

As a man of Japanese heritage, this cause means a lot to me, as I am sure it does to many of you too. My friends and family have been relatively unharmed, but the country that I adore so closely is hurting. Living in London, a city so far away from the tragic events, I feel helpless and painfully fortunate. However, I've been trying to be as active as possible in raising awareness, in gathering support and collecting donations, and I'd like to use ORIGINAL LONDON. as a platform for recording such activities. I've been writing a series of entries for this, as well as to share stories, links and other charitable offerings from around the globe.

So please have a read of my special blog entries here.

If you have any contributions at all, don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to hear what you've been doing, what you've found and what you feel, so do share.

Please help. Please pray.
We should not forget.